Tarot & Astrology Musings for Modern Magic Makers
Moon Void Tarot 3rd Edition Kickstarter updates!!
Stefanie Caponi

One week left to back Moon Void Tarot on Kickstarter! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/moonvoidtarot/moon-void-tarot-3rd-edition I thought I was done with stretch goals, we've done such an amazing job so far, and I couldn't be more grateful for your support!! Then I started laying out the guidebook.....and I think it would be so beautiful to print in color rather than black and white? The cost jump from black and white to printing in color is almost 50% more, but I think it is very doable if we can reach $35K by May 17th! The Guidebook is a huge part of the deck, as I...
Big Changes for Moon Void Tarot!
Stefanie Caponi

What is happening with Moon Void Tarot? As many of you now know, I cleared some big spaces in my life and asked for guidance on what comes next for Moon Void Tarot. I knew the deck wanted to expand and become something new, I was incredibly surprised at how new that would be. Isn't it normal and natural to evolve? When I created the deck in 2017 I was in a much different place, and Moon Void Tarot taught me how to embrace my shadow and work through the difficult life changes I was facing as I navigated the void...
Let's talk about Saturn transits.....maturity through tough love
2021 astro transits Astrology Saturn
Stefanie Caponi

Saturn, digital illustration by Stefanie Caponi I woke up this morning thinking about Saturn. 2020 was a heavy Saturnian year, with so many planets in Capricorn (Saturn-Pluto conjunction, Jupiter, etc.) Personally, I was having fiveSaturn transits, FIVE! It was a lonely year of isolation, restrictions, and the universe taking everything off my plate so I could take on 3 of the biggest projects of my life. Saturn asked if I was up for the challenge of writing a book, the guidebook for Moon Void Tarot, (which I had been putting off for 2 years) to which I said yes,...
2021 Tarot Challenge Prompts for Aquarius Season
Aquarius Astrology Brooklyn Tarot moon void tarot Stefanie Caponi Tarot tarot spread
Stefanie Caponi

I'm so excited to kick off Aquarius season with the first Moon Void Tarot Challenge of 2021! Each month I'll be a tarot challenge that coincides with the energy of the astrological season. My goal is to not only deepen our collective tarot practice with a daily prompt, but to also embody the astrology of the year. Tarot and astrology go hand in hand, and this has been the easiest way for me to learn the lessons of each sign and how it affects my world, and I'd love to share my practice with you. I hope you will share...
How Astrology can show you how to create and maintain wealth & abundance using your birth chart
abundance Astrology birth chart money houses in astrology
Stefanie Caponi

Understanding the Money Houses in Astrology really helped me understand my natural gifts and how to use them to create abundance by helping me refine and clarify: What am I good at? What do I love doing? How do I work best/what is my ideal work environment? Who are my ideal clients and customers? How can I serve them best? 2020 has taught me so much, by gifting me time away from the world to create, study, and give myself permission to run towards what I’m passionate about.In my 20’s I worked boring soul sucking office jobs and at 27...