Tarot & Astrology Musings for Modern Magic Makers — 2021
Let's talk about Saturn transits.....maturity through tough love
2021 astro transits Astrology Saturn
Stefanie Caponi

Saturn, digital illustration by Stefanie Caponi I woke up this morning thinking about Saturn. 2020 was a heavy Saturnian year, with so many planets in Capricorn (Saturn-Pluto conjunction, Jupiter, etc.) Personally, I was having fiveSaturn transits, FIVE! It was a lonely year of isolation, restrictions, and the universe taking everything off my plate so I could take on 3 of the biggest projects of my life. Saturn asked if I was up for the challenge of writing a book, the guidebook for Moon Void Tarot, (which I had been putting off for 2 years) to which I said yes,...