Tarot & Astrology Musings for Modern Magic Makers — Ostara
Ostara Altar Ideas - Wheel of The Year
aries Astrology Ostara Wheel of The Year
Stefanie Caponi

💗 Ostara blessings witches! 💗 💗 Ostara marks the Spring Equinox on the wheel of the year, and the astrological new year - hello Aries season!!! Where my Aries witches at?!💗 Notice where this falls in your chart, this is where you experience your own personal springtime! The house that holds 0 degrees Aries corresponds to where you’ll feel the effects of new growth, rebirth, and transformation the most!💗 Here are some ideas for your Ostara Altar, feel free to really make it your own and please share what you have planned to celebrate in the comments!!💗 On a personal...