Tarot & Astrology Musings for Modern Magic Makers — aries
Ostara Altar Ideas - Wheel of The Year
aries Astrology Ostara Wheel of The Year
Stefanie Caponi

💗 Ostara blessings witches! 💗 💗 Ostara marks the Spring Equinox on the wheel of the year, and the astrological new year - hello Aries season!!! Where my Aries witches at?!💗 Notice where this falls in your chart, this is where you experience your own personal springtime! The house that holds 0 degrees Aries corresponds to where you’ll feel the effects of new growth, rebirth, and transformation the most!💗 Here are some ideas for your Ostara Altar, feel free to really make it your own and please share what you have planned to celebrate in the comments!!💗 On a personal...
Tarot for Working with the Libra Full Moons in March & April
aries Astrology full moon libra Stefanie Caponi Tarot
Moon Void Tarot AdminWednesday is the Spring Equinox, Ostara, moving from the end of the zodiacal calendar (Pisces) into Aries - the initiator. This is fire season. This is the beginning of new energy, moving forward. I want to bring attention to the full moon story that is going to be taking place. Full moons are significant for several reasons. Each brings closure, endings, and illuminates the darkness to assist us in making these shifts in order to move forward. The full supermoon on Wednesday occurs at 0 degrees Libra. This is the beginning of our story. Libra is the sign of...