Tarot & Astrology Musings for Modern Magic Makers
The Magician & The Aces - New Beginnings
Stefanie Caponi

💗The Magician + The Aces💗 🖤Each Ace is connected to The Magician. Aces are the purest elemental form of The Magician’s tools. Connected to 1 in numerology, they stand alone, assertive, confident, and independent, a new beginning. 💗We don’t always feel confident and assertive when it comes to new beginnings, this is where channeling in your inner Magician and trusting that the universe is going to help you move along your path is so important. Which Ace do you need most today? 💗🖤💗🖤💗🖤💗🖤💗🖤💗🖤💗
Imbolc Altar Ideas + Witch Tips - Wheel of The Year
Astrology Illustration spells Wheel of The Year witch tips witchcraft
Stefanie Caponi

Blessed Imbolc Witches, happy Aquarius ♒️ New Moon, and happy Lunar New Year!!! 🐅Needless to say, this is an important time in the wheel of the year for your personal magic. You don’t have to identify as any particular type of witch to celebrate, harness this energy, and make it your own. If Aquarius energy teaches us anything it’s fuck the rules, go your own way, and have fun! So why are we so exhausted? Because it’s still winter! Don’t feel bummed if you’re not feeling much like celebrating and you’re feeling deep in the muck, that’s perfectly normal and...
Tarot Spread for Accessing Your Magic
Stefanie Caponi

💗☀️Tarot Spread For Accessing Your Magic ☀️💗💗 How can I access my magic today?🖤What might need attention first?💗A message from spirit on how to work with my magic on the material plane today♓️ It’s Pisces season! Have you been extra tired? Having wild dreams? Need to balance feeling grounded and allowing yourself to dream?💗 Save this post and come back to it every Sunday and track your end of week energy throughout Pisces season 🖤 Tell us about your spread in the comments
Moon Void Tarot 10K Birthday Giveaway!
Stefanie Caponi

Since it’s The Pisces New Moon & MVT’s Birthday - and we are super close to reaching 10K - we wanted to celebrate our birthday month with an Instagram giveaway!We’re giving away a copy of the Moon Void Tarot 3rd Edition & Guidebook! To Enter:💗 You must be following @moonvoidtarot on Instagram (this is our ONLY account)💗 Like and Save the IG post!💗 Tag a friend in the comments or comment with the 3 emojis that best describe you!💗 Extra entries for sharing in your stories!🖤💗We will announce the winner on our actual birthday - March 15!!🖤💗💗🖤This new moon is...
Tarot & Manifesting aka Empress Work
Stefanie Caponi
My tarot practice has been as much about shadow work as it has been about manifestation work. The word 'manifestation' holds a certain degree of shame for me, as it is connected to privilege and harmful practices in the wellness community. This is why shadow work is so important, to be able to use tarot and journaling to unpack how white privilege and racism benefits me in this work. I've been pretty grossed out by toxic positivity and manifestation work, yet I understand that as a human inhabiting a body with a womb, my energy is yin, it's receptive, it's...