Moon Void Tarot 3rd Edition Kickstarter updates!!

One week left to back Moon Void Tarot on Kickstarter!

I thought I was done with stretch goals, we've done such an amazing job so far, and I couldn't be more grateful for your support!!

Then I started laying out the guidebook.....and I think it would be so beautiful to print in color rather than black and white? The cost jump from black and white to printing in color is almost 50% more, but I think it is very doable if we can reach $35K by May 17th!

The Guidebook is a huge part of the deck, as I have been working hard on packing it with tarot spreads for shadow work, relationships and love, abundance, career and finances, health, family and friendships, deep self reflection, and healing. 

While the 1st & 2nd edition focused on tarot & astrology, the 3rd edition is focusing on tarot spreads and moon rituals. I've included several of my essential practices and I can't wait to share them with you!!

Thank you for your help bringing this project to life!!


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