2024 PRE-ORDERS of Limited Edition Re-issue of Moon Void Tarot 3rd Edition are open!
2024 PRE-ORDERS of Limited Edition Re-issue of Moon Void Tarot 3rd Edition are open!
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Tarot & Astrology Musings for Modern Magic Makers — Astrology

Tarot musings for May

Moon Void Tarot Admin Astrology hierophant Tarot taurus

It's almost May! We are in Taurus season, spring is in full bloom. Taurus is associated with the Hierophant, how does that feel for you dear readers? When I think of Taurus, I think of romance, sensuality, decadent meals, laying in bed and hitting snooze too many times, and buying myself all the flowers!  The Hierophant is the teacher, and the student. The ways we learn, the traditions we've embraced, and thrown out, as we opt to seek our own path of knowledge and truth. As we approach the Taurus new moon on Saturday, perhaps pull out the Hierophant card...

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April Sexoscopes are up!

Moon Void Tarot Admin Astrology Dame horoscopes sexoscopes

I write the monthly horoscopes for Dame Products with a focus on love, sex, and mindfulness, you can read them HERE.  

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Tarot for Working with the Libra Full Moons in March & April

Moon Void Tarot Admin aries Astrology full moon libra Stefanie Caponi Tarot

  Wednesday is the Spring Equinox, Ostara, moving from the end of the zodiacal calendar (Pisces) into Aries - the initiator. This is fire season. This is the beginning of new energy, moving forward.  I want to bring attention to the full moon story that is going to be taking place. Full moons are significant for several reasons. Each brings closure, endings, and illuminates the darkness to assist us in making these shifts in order to move forward. The full supermoon on Wednesday occurs at 0 degrees Libra. This is the beginning of our story. Libra is the sign of...

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North Node in Cancer - Coming home to ourselves

Moon Void Tarot Admin Astrology Cancer/Capricorn Eclipse Karma North Node South Node

From 2018-2020 the North Node is in Cancer, the sign of the divine mother, ruler of the 4th house - our foundation, the home we experienced growing up and the home within ourselves. 

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