Tarot & Astrology Musings for Modern Magic Makers — Astrology

Learn Tarot: Exploring Tarot Triads to Deepen Your Tarot Practice - The 2nd Triad: The High Priestess/The Hermit/The Tower

Stefanie Caponi Astrology Tarot

Learn Tarot: Exploring Tarot Triads to Deepen Your Tarot Practice - The 2nd Triad: The High Priestess/The Hermit/The Tower

We have access to everything we need to know about ourselves and the world at any time, and that we also mustn't cling too tightly to our beliefs. The more we cling, the more painful it becomes when it is time for evolution.


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Ostara Altar Ideas - Wheel of The Year

Stefanie Caponi aries Astrology Ostara Wheel of The Year

Ostara Altar Ideas - Wheel of The Year

💗 Ostara blessings witches! 💗 💗 Ostara marks the Spring Equinox on the wheel of the year, and the astrological new year - hello Aries season!!! Where my Aries witches at?!💗 Notice where this falls in your chart, this is where you experience your own personal springtime! The house that holds 0 degrees Aries corresponds to where you’ll feel the effects of new growth, rebirth, and transformation the most!💗 Here are some ideas for your Ostara Altar, feel free to really make it your own and please share what you have planned to celebrate in the comments!!💗 On a personal...

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Imbolc Altar Ideas + Witch Tips - Wheel of The Year

Stefanie Caponi Astrology Illustration spells Wheel of The Year witch tips witchcraft

Imbolc Altar Ideas + Witch Tips - Wheel of The Year

Blessed Imbolc Witches, happy Aquarius ♒️ New Moon, and happy Lunar New Year!!! 🐅Needless to say, this is an important time in the wheel of the year for your personal magic. You don’t have to identify as any particular type of witch to celebrate, harness this energy, and make it your own. If Aquarius energy teaches us anything it’s fuck the rules, go your own way, and have fun! So why are we so exhausted? Because it’s still winter! Don’t feel bummed if you’re not feeling much like celebrating and you’re feeling deep in the muck, that’s perfectly normal and...

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Let's talk about Saturn transits.....maturity through tough love

Stefanie Caponi 2021 astro transits Astrology Saturn

Let's talk about Saturn transits.....maturity through tough love

  Saturn, digital illustration by Stefanie Caponi I woke up this morning thinking about Saturn.  2020 was a heavy Saturnian year, with so many planets in Capricorn (Saturn-Pluto conjunction, Jupiter, etc.) Personally, I was having fiveSaturn transits, FIVE! It was a lonely year of isolation, restrictions, and the universe taking everything off my plate so I could take on 3 of the biggest projects of my life. Saturn asked if I was up for the challenge of writing a book, the guidebook for Moon Void Tarot, (which I had been putting off for 2 years) to which I said yes,...

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2021 Tarot Challenge Prompts for Aquarius Season

Stefanie Caponi Aquarius Astrology Brooklyn Tarot moon void tarot Stefanie Caponi Tarot tarot spread

2021 Tarot Challenge Prompts for Aquarius Season

I'm so excited to kick off Aquarius season with the first Moon Void Tarot Challenge of 2021! Each month I'll be a tarot challenge that coincides with the energy of the astrological season. My goal is to not only deepen our collective tarot practice with a daily prompt, but to also embody the astrology of the year. Tarot and astrology go hand in hand, and this has been the easiest way for me to learn the lessons of each sign and how it affects my world, and I'd love to share my practice with you. I hope you will share...

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