Tarot & Astrology Musings for Modern Magic Makers — astro transits

Let's talk about Saturn transits.....maturity through tough love

Stefanie Caponi 2021 astro transits Astrology Saturn

Let's talk about Saturn transits.....maturity through tough love

  Saturn, digital illustration by Stefanie Caponi I woke up this morning thinking about Saturn.  2020 was a heavy Saturnian year, with so many planets in Capricorn (Saturn-Pluto conjunction, Jupiter, etc.) Personally, I was having fiveSaturn transits, FIVE! It was a lonely year of isolation, restrictions, and the universe taking everything off my plate so I could take on 3 of the biggest projects of my life. Saturn asked if I was up for the challenge of writing a book, the guidebook for Moon Void Tarot, (which I had been putting off for 2 years) to which I said yes,...

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