Tarot & Astrology Musings for Modern Magic Makers — The Fool

The Tarot Tutorial Podcast is live!

Moon Void Tarot Admin moon void tarot Podcast Spiritual Phoenix Tarot The Fool

I've teamed up with my dear friend, Ross Cessna of Spiritual Phoenix Studios, together we've created a weekly podcast series called The Fool's Guide to Tarot. Each week, Ross and I will be discussing a card from the major arcana and it's accompanying minor. This is the format taught to me during a formal six month tarot intensive, Brooklyn Fool's, taught by Jeff Hinshaw and Lindsey Mack, in 2017.  In our first episode we cover, finding a tarot deck you resonate with, what is the Fool's journey, and what the Fool represents in tarot. Ross and I come from very different...

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