Tarot & Astrology Musings for Modern Magic Makers — Cancer/Capricorn
Summer Eclipse season has begun!
2019 Astrology Cancer/Capricorn eclipse in cancer lunar eclipse moon void tarot solar eclipse Stefanie Caponi Tarot
Moon Void Tarot AdminDuring the month of June, we seem to be caught between the duality of moving rapidly forward and overanalyzing the past, we have so many planets in Gemini and Cancer to thank for that. In all fairness, June is the midway point of the year. It's a time to reflect over the past 6 months and see what adjustments and refining needs to be done on the projects or goals we've been putting our efforts into before turning our attention toward the second half of the year. It may seem to some, that things are finally beginning to move forward, as...
North Node in Cancer - Coming home to ourselves
Astrology Cancer/Capricorn Eclipse Karma North Node South Node
Moon Void Tarot AdminFrom 2018-2020 the North Node is in Cancer, the sign of the divine mother, ruler of the 4th house - our foundation, the home we experienced growing up and the home within ourselves.