Tarot & Astrology Musings for Modern Magic Makers — libra

Libra New Moon

Stefanie Caponi libra moon void tarot new moon tarot

Libra New Moon

Today we honor the new moon in Libra, the sign that rules partnerships, social justice, and balance. Libra is ruled by Venus, planet of love, beauty, what we value, and our money. This Venusian moon comes in darkness on Venus' day - Friday.  The card that represents Libra in Tarot is Justice. Justice is about karma, divine law, and balancing the scales. Justice, like Libra, sees all sides of every situation, and rather than choosing sides, it seeks to balance and become whole, honoring the light and dark, the emotional and the rational, the head and the heart.  May I...

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Tarot for Working with the Libra Full Moons in March & April

Moon Void Tarot Admin aries Astrology full moon libra Stefanie Caponi Tarot

  Wednesday is the Spring Equinox, Ostara, moving from the end of the zodiacal calendar (Pisces) into Aries - the initiator. This is fire season. This is the beginning of new energy, moving forward.  I want to bring attention to the full moon story that is going to be taking place. Full moons are significant for several reasons. Each brings closure, endings, and illuminates the darkness to assist us in making these shifts in order to move forward. The full supermoon on Wednesday occurs at 0 degrees Libra. This is the beginning of our story. Libra is the sign of...

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