2021 Tarot Challenge Prompts for Aquarius Season

Aquarius Astrology Brooklyn Tarot moon void tarot Stefanie Caponi Tarot tarot spread

I'm so excited to kick off Aquarius season with the first Moon Void Tarot Challenge of 2021!

Each month I'll be a tarot challenge that coincides with the energy of the astrological season. My goal is to not only deepen our collective tarot practice with a daily prompt, but to also embody the astrology of the year. Tarot and astrology go hand in hand, and this has been the easiest way for me to learn the lessons of each sign and how it affects my world, and I'd love to share my practice with you. I hope you will share your experiences with me, and the rest of us!

Please tag @moonvoidtarot and use the hashtag #mvtarotchallenge to share your daily tarot pulls for everyone to see, if you feel comfortable sharing! 

I recommend having a tarot journal for 2021, if you don't already have a notebook or journal you use to record your personal tarot readings. I'm using my Many Moons 2021 Lunar Planner for mine. This is to help me get into a better habit of using the daily section of the planner and not just the calendar. That way at the end of the year I can look back at each day and see what I was working on at any particular time, in addition to posting my cards of the day on Instagram & Facebook. What method will you use??  


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