Imbolc Altar Ideas + Witch Tips - Wheel of The Year

Astrology Illustration spells Wheel of The Year witch tips witchcraft

Blessed Imbolc Witches, happy Aquarius ♒️ New Moon, and happy Lunar New Year!!! 🐅

Needless to say, this is an important time in the wheel of the year for your personal magic.

You don’t have to identify as any particular type of witch to celebrate, harness this energy, and make it your own. If Aquarius energy teaches us anything it’s fuck the rules, go your own way, and have fun!

So why are we so exhausted? Because it’s still winter! Don’t feel bummed if you’re not feeling much like celebrating and you’re feeling deep in the muck, that’s perfectly normal and ok!

New moons aren’t for harvesting, they’re for planting. Imbolc aka Candlemas is celebrating the return of the light and coming of spring. Your spring is coming lover, I promise.

Witch Tips: Rest up and light your candles, all of the candles!

Invoke the passion and intensity from the fire element when you need a pick me up, I know I will be!


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